中国基础外语教育研究中心“外语教育心理研究活动月”、 东北师范大学高层次短期国(境)外专家讲坛
主讲人:Jim Mckinley
Jim Mckinley,博士,副教授,伦敦大学教育学院应用语言学中心主任,博士研究生导师,System: An International Journal of Educational Technology and Applied Linguistics (SSCI)联合主编, 研究领域为外语教育、外语研究方法和英语写作教学
报 告 人:Jim Mckinley
主 持 人:高瑛教授
会议 ID:675 994 212
下午 4:00-5:30
讲座题目:Evolving doctoral identities through peer feedback
Negotiating the skills to write ‘at a doctoral level’ is a large part of the process on a doctoral journey. Doctoral students may feel isolated from their appropriate academic communities of practice, described by some as existing in an ‘ivory tower’ seemingly reserved for experienced academics. In this talk, I present a multiple case study in which I investigated the experiences of two EdD and three PhD in Education students conducting peer analysis of English L2 doctoral writers with a particular focus on how the process of providing peer feedback shapes their own identities as doctoral writers. The study is situated in research on doctoral writer identities and feedback – how it inducts doctoral students into a community of practice. The peer analysis involved exploring the written language choices of English L2 doctoral candidates, specifically, how EdD and PhD students position themselves in relation to their arguments using authorial voice. The study contributes to theory concerning the importance and value of peer writer identity analysis at the doctoral level, and the inherent differences between the EdD and PhD thesis writing, in consideration of how and why different writer identities are displayed and may be more effective.
报 告 人:Jim Mckinley
主 持 人:刘宏刚教授
会议 ID:661 390 063
下午 5:00-6:30
讲座题目:L2 writing methodological innovation: taking risks
With increasing numbers of language teachers and scholars investigating L2 writing in a diverse range of settings, we have opportunities to adapt and develop methodologies from other contexts and disciplines, yet dominant methodological constructs in English L2 research continue to prevail. We should rely less on the major design methodologies, taking risks with more creative ones. I argue we need to embrace the ‘messiness’ of L2 writing education, without the pressure of situating it in discussions in the literature dominated by the same tired constructs.